Following, my son is the same. He gets easily distracted and I have to feed him
Mines not distraction, it’s point blank Mummy has to feed him. He won’t do anything himself when he’s with me it’s so infuriating at almost 3 it’s like having a baby still 😒
What does he do if you don't feed him?
Cry, winge that he can’t do it and then not eat. Couple of occasions he’ll do like two mouthfuls then back to the crying and winging. I know he can do it, because at nursery and with anyone but me, he’s perfectly capable
Yeh if he does it at nursery then he can do it. Different situation but my son used to just not eat anything we put in front of him apart from cereal yet ate everything in nursery so HV said if he's hungry he'll eat... if he misses tea, he'll eat all his toast and fruit the next morning. He's old enough to understand that he won't have anything etc let him tantrum... if he's hungry he'll eat eventually. Hes not gonna starve
Literally my son aswell He’s lazy and just wants me to feed him everything including yoghurts!! Sooo annoying because I have to sit there by his table at breakfast to spoon feed his porridge when I could be getting things ready I think maybe he likes being babied Also he is fine feeding himself at nursery with his peers so it’s not a concern it just pisses me off lol
My daughter often refuses to feed herself, we'll even watch as she uses her knife & fork to get food on the fork, even gets as far as her mouth but she doesn't close her mouth & then deliberately shakes the food off the fork & moans she can't do it & needs help. I'm satisfied she Can do it, so we encourage her to do it herself & usually prioritise eating our own food before helping her, but if she gets too upset she'll refuse to eat at all. She never fails to eat dessert without help though! It's a hill we generally choose not to die on, she does like being babied, I'm hoping starting nursery school after Easter will help her grow up a bit.
This is such a relief to see other toddlers are like this. I have been feeling like I have failed so such a relief it’s not just us.
My son is exact same waits for me to feed him or won’t eat 🫠
Yes!! I assumed it’s because I feed her little sister but she just won’t eat for herself at home anymore 😩
Following cause my little boy is the same. If he eats by himself he gets so distracted and can take well over an hour to barely eat the meal, until we feed it to him. So frustrating