@Samina thank you. She went down to 3 bottles but now it’s a fight to get her to have any
@Temperance thank you!
It could be that maybe the food is too filling so less room for formula I would also cut back on the meals/quantity and see if that helps x
Ive just read on the nhs website that a 9 month old should have around 600ml of formula and a 10 month old should have 400ml so if she’s closer to 10 months it could be normal? I’ll link the page as reference
@Rosie thank you lovely!! That’s all so helpful. She’s about 9 1/2 so not far off xx
@Holly-eloise not far off then!x
I'd cut down meals and see if she takes formula. And speak to HV for advise too. My lil one has been drinking less milk compared to usual since weaning