@Amy I’m so confused, I’m 14months PP, I still BF my son twice a day so my periods haven’t been the most regular… but I have been getting my period 10 days after ovulation and that’s no happened this month so I’m just very confused!
The spotting could have been implantation bleeding. I had it for two days (6&7 dpo) with my first. Apparently 1 in 4 woman have the implantation bleeding.
So weird! The body can go wacko after a baby lol especially if nursing. I have a 23 month old, a 5 month old, and im also 11dpo and think I may have gotten a superrrr faint positive this morning. 😂 The more I look at your test the more positive it looks. Are you hoping it’s positive? Haha.
@Amy we haven’t been trying and honestly I didn’t want to have 2 under 2, but the longer I go without a period the more excited I’m getting thinking about having another 🥺🥴xx
@Rachel I did have implantation bleeding with my first… if this was implant bleeding it will have occurred on days 4&5 DPO 🥴
Lh test can pick up on period hormones as well. Once you get peak it's advised pre ob to stup once you see it fall due to they can be so wrong after. That looks like a evap line retest in a few days or wait til your period shows
Looks like an indent I would retest the pregnancy one
Are you getting any discharge?
@AVK yeah but it’s just clear, although more than usual 🥴😅
People say that if pregnant, the discharge increases. I have never been pregnant myself so am not 100% if that is true or not.
You can get positive ovulation tests when you are pregnant! Also the test looks positive, but test again tomorrow!