Going up a teat size

Our 5 week old girl (9lb 1 if relevant) is showing signs of needing to go up a teat size from MAM 1 to 2. Size 2 is recommended for over 2 months so not sure if it's a bit soon? She's becoming very frustrated while feeding and is taking ages sucking and sucking but barely swallowing. Has anyone else gone up a size around this age?
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I moved my now 8 week old up around then, he was falling asleep on the bottle and sucking so hard a nd crying. It took a few days to adjust to the new flow but has been feeding so much better he was literally taking a couple of ozs now he is doing 4.5 each bottle. I would just go with your baby, you can always trial it and if it’s not any good go back to the other size x

My 5 week old has been on mam size 2 teats for a week now. Do what you think is best.

My baby has been on size 0 all this time. Just few days ago changed to size 1. Not sure if it was necessary. He seemed ok with it, but I just assumed that at certain moment it should be done. He's 8 weeks. Not sure if I see a difference in him. Just finishes his bottle a bit quicker. I was a bit worried to do it before as he sometimes spits / vomits after feeding. But for now all good. Also MAM bottles.

I go between size 1 and 2, depending on how settled my baby is as size 2 makes her choke if she’s aggravated as she’s drinking it too quickly. She’s 8 weeks today for ref so it completely depends on the baby! I’d say give it a go but keep your size 1’s to hand just in case

@Lucy never thought about using them both concurrently! Sometimes she's absolutely fine with the 1 but sometimes she just seems to struggle so maybe can switch on those occasions!

I was advised to go straight to size 2 with my first as some babies get frustrated with how slow/hard work size 1s are. My second can't cope with size 2s yet so back on size 1s. Trust your instincts, try for a few days and you can always go back to size 1s if she struggles?

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