Weaning & Formula

I've read so much h conflicting advice, but since I've started weaning my little one she isn't taking as much milk as she's obviously had good and not as hungry, but how many ounces a day should she still be having? We're on 12 ounces so far with one meal and she will probably only have another 2 bottles which will be between 10 or 12 ounces ending on 24 for the day. 9t doesn't feel like enough x
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It depends how much food she is having and when. You should feed milk and then give food an hour (roughly) after. To start with it should only be tastes and experiences really rather than to fill them up but all babies are different and some will take to it really easy and want more. She will still need as much milk as you can possibly get into her but don’t worry too much. My girl is 5 months and only has around 24oz a day anyway and we aren’t weaning yet!

24oz isn’t too bad, advice is no less than 20oz. My baby has been dropping amounts too, not sure if it’s teething or weaning

She will eat alot of the purees to be honest and I am worried about overfeeding her. She is also teething and full of cold so it could be any of the above I guess!

The advice is “food is fun until they’re 1” so it’s more just experimenting rather than giving instead of milk

When I spoke to my Hv about her slightly reducing intake, I was told, that they do naturally reduce slightly amounts as weaning starts. Its not about replacing milk, but its a natural process and some babies are more keen on weaning than others. I was reassured that NhS advise is minimum 20oz and dropping/reducing solids to see if that helps

Yeah it definitely sounds like a mixture of things. Also their weight gain slows around 6 months too so she probably just doesn’t need as much ☺️ I would just see how she gets on over the next couple of weeks

If you are feeding purees it may be they are eating too much, I think that's why BLW has so many benefits

Is she only having purees cas if she isn't and she's having porridge etc you could put some of the formula into thay?

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