Little boy is 8 weeks +5 and having 6oz every 3 hours like clockwork 😫😂
My boy is 9 weeks and has between 4 and 5ozs every 3/4 hours
My boy would be 6 weeks tomorrow and he is having between 120-140ml of breastmilk every 2.5-3h
My little one is 6 +3 weeks old, breastfed. Having approx 120 -140ml of breastmilk every 2 hours during the day and every 4-5 during the night.
My little boy is 4 weeks old and taking 5oz every 3-5 hours, he’s an absolute machine x
My girls born on November 25th too! She's on 125ml every 3/4 hours.. She was on 90ml but she was constantly hungry! X
Nearly 10 weeks old 7oz bottle when she wants
My little girl is 7 weeks and breast fed by bottle and has 4/5 oz every 2/3hours. She does 4/5 hours at night and still has 5oz when she wakes up xx
Breastfed by bottles he will take 5oz every 2/2.5 hours during the day but has started sleeping 8 hour stretches at night
@Jessica he is constantly hungry! I don’t understand we have been sleepless for 3 days
How many oz does baby take till your burp ? @everyone
@Jennifer My boy takes the full 4/5ozs. If we take his bottle out to burp him he refuses the bottle
@Jennifer 1 oz or 1oz and half as he likes to gulp his milk the first time it goes in his mouth then it’s every ounce or so after. If I didn’t burp him every ounce he would cry for hours in pain with wind as he’s hard to get wind up
My little boy born 30nov (5 weeks) is on 5 oz on formula