My midwife was told my results with my first 😀
I had mine on the 2nd as well and they told me that they get the results quite quickly. They said that they would ring either that day or the following day but if I didn't hear from them, it meant there was no concerns. The results were uploaded into my Badger Notes app on the 4th I think to say it's all normal so it would be worth checking your app x
I did mine 11/12/24 and haven’t heard anything since so assuming everything is fine. Not all trusts let you know if no concerns. Most only do if you need to do something further etc
I just had mine today and they said I should here by Friday if there were any concerns, if it was all good then they won’t be in touch at all
I had mine Friday and that I would get a call Friday or today or if i didn’t hear anything I didn’t have it. My hospital has been unreliable with booking appointments/tests so I called this afternoon and got told everything was ok. You could always call to ask xx
If it was bad news they’d have called probably the next day
I’ve got mine Thursday so will see what they say
Mine told me they would call that day and if I didn’t hear anything it was all ok. I did call my midwife after a couple of days had passed to ask her a question about the test and she had the results so may be worth contacting your midwife to double check?
I got the results the next day. Check with your midwife
I'm pretty sure with my last pregnancy they told me about a week and that was when it wasn't around holiday time. I also wasn't alerted when the results went up they just appeared on badger notes, as in our trust they only call if it's bad news. So keep checking in different parts of badger notes if you have it as I think it showed up somewhere random (not the bloodwork section) (edit, looked it up, I had results within 4 days but the midwife logged it under Antenatal Care Summary in Badger notes with the title "Clinic notes" and just put that I passed and I hadn't seen it right away as I had been looking in Blood and Microbiology Results)