Solo Evenings

My partner works lates so I do the evenings (2-11pm) with my baby alone. I really really struggle… I feel like she’s happy to play for about 15 mins and then she’s had enough and cries for the rest of the 1 hour and 45 minute wake window. I try to put her down for a nap and she just cries so then I take her downstairs and she’s crying again because she’s so tired. Sometimes I literally just sit in the dark and cry with her because I’m so sad I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any friends who have children and I don’t have any supportive family who could keep me company. I just feel so desperately lonely and like I’m failing my baby as she’s just so unhappy and I’m so unhappy trying and failing to keep her happy.
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How old is she? I went through similar feelings with my little man at the beginning. I think we finally got into a groove around 3 1/2 months but those first few months were tough. I constantly felt like I didn’t know what he needed or what he wanted and that I wasn’t able to make him happy ever. My husband, however, was able to calm him down during that time. It was a horrible feeling knowing that I couldn’t do that.However, now it’s the opposite and he only wants me and I am more in tune with what he might need. He’s five months old now. It definitely was a learning experience and a tough one. I also don’t have any friends with kids or family to help support me.

@Amber she’s 5 months. I felt better when she was 3 months but then we went through a horrible 4 month sleep regression and I’ve just gotten progressively worse! I just feel like I’m going to mess her up by being so miserable all the time. I think if I’m being honest with myself I have PPD but just too scared to do anything about it!

I completely understand that feeling. It seems the good and bad come in waves. I’m sure it will turn around for you and your LO won’t be affected at all by this period. I would say talking to a doctor might help though. Even if it’s just a stepping stone towards a local resource like EarlyOn centres or suggesting therapy or something similar. You owe it to yourself to take care of you so you can be the best mom! No one is perfect and this mom thing is hard!!

I’m doing the same thing. I’m on nights and my husband is on day when I’m at work and it can be very overwhelming. Just try to find things you like to do and she is probably teething too and I give my son baby orajel and he’s 6 months and it helps him stop crying.

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