
What jobs / hours is everyone working? Looking to switch careers with having a 5 month old baby but unsure what route to go towards
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Following as in the same boat!

I was a stroke sister but wouldn't be able to get childcare for shift work so moved to GP as a practice nurse and really happy. Pay is good and still get nhs pension etc x

Community mental health primary care mon-Fri 8-4

Are you qualified? It’s difficult to advise without knowing your career/any qualifications.

@Amy I’m qualified in learning disability nursing but am currently working in mental health

I work in an adult community learning disability team 9-5, but as an SLT rather than nurse. We all work under the same team in the same office, so know their role reasonably well. Happy to try and answer any questions if you have any

Do you want to work in MH or LD? What do you want to do? I’d go for community as you wouldn’t have to do shifts. Depends on what area you want to work in though

Working from home In my own time.

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