Looks like teeth to me. Keep in mind they could come through quickly or take a while. Xx
I used teething powder and it helped my LG sleep at night xx
Ours is getting teeth too and it’s okay! He is 14 weeks too!
At this age when they don’t hold teethers very well I find rubbing their gums gives relief!
Also distracting them from the pain with play and cuddles
My little one has been experiencing the same symptoms and I have noticed some white coming through the gums. So I would also guess teething. I work as a nursery teacher and have worked in baby rooms. So I have looked after teething babies, signs can also include sore bottom l, urine that smells strong, random burst of crying like they are really uncomfortable. There ain’t much we can do, expect calpol, teething toys, rubbing their gums gently and lots of cuddles xx