Potty Training

I don’t see the light of day with this never ending challenge. It’s so hard ! We’re on day 4 & she hasn’t gone once on the toilet, every time is in her underwear.
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I am on day 2 and I feel the same way. 😵‍💫😵‍💫

Happened to us as well with our boy! The first week, I was ready to give up. He peed and pooped in his underwear every time. My mom talked me into giving it more time and now we’re on week 3 with an average of 1 accident this last week! It gets better slowly! Not going to lie, we used candy the first week as a reward and although he had accidents, I just kept calm and reminded him that he needed to tell me if I needed to go potty. Just letting you know that you are not alone!!! And to be, it’s been the hardest thing to do as a parent!

We are on day 3 no undies (naked baby) and almost no accidents. We just had the first one today. Everything I read said to have them naked for a while until they learn this feeling is I need to pee and make the connection in the brain and stop having accidents. Then they go commando for awhile until the accidents stop then add in undies last

I suggest no underwear! (The steps we used suggested it as well). They can feel too much like a diaper. My dude went commando for a month before we put him in undies. And yes, it's hard! I was not prepared for the level of laundry, clean up, or feelings of failure that I felt during that time, but I can tell you *it gets better!* It got better little by little. And now, 3 months later, I can barely remember the last potty accident we had! He runs down the hallway now saying "I have to pee pee" and insists on doing it by himself. Hold on! It's possible!!!

@Kyla Do you have carpet?

@Ashley Yes, and I have a little green machine for when it was needed with our dog. Surprisingly enough, most of his accidents happened on our linoleum and...the couch 🤦🏻 the rest, I caught him mid pee and could rush him to the bathroom, getting it mostly on me.

@Kyla ruining the carpet worries me

@Kyla how did you clean the couch ? That’s my biggest worry, pee on the couch 😩

@yesenia I cover them all with blankets and the mattress covers from the crib.

@Ashley thank you that’s smart !

@yesenia the suggestion I got was to use puppy pads 😂 But to clean ours, the outer cover came off of the cushion and (oddly enough) it wasn't that wet underneath. So we soaked up what we could from the foam, sprayed it with something, then set it outside to dry...and washed the cover in the washing machine.

@Ashley our dog has thrown up on it so many times 🤦🏻 that's why we have the little green machine. And then we have a professional carpet cleaner come every couple of years. A lot of them run specials for $99 to clean 2-3 rooms. I thought about renting a cleaner or buying a full size one, but honestly, I don't want to actually do the work 🫣

We did the naked booty method for my July 2022 babe and I did the same for her sister. Doing undies right away always confused my girls. The first several days was challenging with accidents and big emotions from her (and me) but they get the hang of it! I also did redirect her away from our couch for the first several days while she figured things out. Once I saw she was releasing full pee’s on the potty I then let her back on the couch right after she’d pee (so I knew she didn’t have much in her body for an accident). We are almost 1.5 weeks in and she’s progressed so much! Hold on mamas!!

I also really recommend the naked method. We did this for my son back in November and it’s been great! Hardly any accidents

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