I agree with the other comment you have to do what’s right for you, it is reassuring that it’s not classed as high risk but if it is making you anxious then the NIPT test privately is a good idea. I know my local window to the womb do them.
@Sammie good news about coming back low risk! Do they give you numbers again or just let you know if you are high or low risk? I’m not sure if to pay private or just accept it is low just no where near as low as my first! Thanks for commenting x
Personally, in your position I would want to get a private NIPT for reassurance. My odds are slightly lower than yours but I’m still considering doing it.
@Katie don’t think I’m pushing anything on you but just want to let you know I’ve reached out to a private midwife, she can come to the house and take the blood test and she’s made me feel much better❤️
Thank you! I didn’t know that would be an option for them to come to me, I’ll take a look :)
@Katie how are you feeling about everything? X
In all honesty you just need to do what's right for you to put your kind at ease what will you do if it comes back that downs syndrome is a very high possibility as you thinking of this makes me think you'd consider keeping or not but what I will day i know a few people that do have children with downs syndrome and the love they have and give is so immensely contagious and they're so smart and smiley and just a joy to be around