My oldest did this but still didn’t care even if she was bottom less. This went on for a long time. She was 3 and a half and going to be starting preschool in half a year. I knew I had to do something. There was no weaning her off of breastfeeding, I had to go cold turkey with her and realized it was the same for the potty. No more going back and forth. I showed her the diapers we had left (a weeks worth) and told her that I will not buy any more diapers, these were it, once they are gone she will only have the potty. She cried, I told her to say goodbye to her old friends and hello to her new friend. She was officially potty trained two days later. She knew what she needed to do, she just felt the diapers were still an option and so didn’t care until I told her otherwise. You will have to figure out what will make that switch for him.
It was easier with my second. When she was 18 months I started changing all diapers in the bathroom to associate all poops and pees belong in the bathroom. It made a massive difference.
My oldest I did what I called pants only. I'd put on the Garanimal's style shorts or pants (going commando), they were just loose enough and the airflow that it felt like no bottoms. He was 100% potty trained by 2. My just turned 3yo (not even a month yet) like yours, he could care less. We're traveling right now so we're not pushing it at all, we ask him and that's it. When we get home, we'll try again.
@Holly I'd love to have a bathroom big enough to try this. My bathroom barely fits my son's toddler potty & he's terrified of heights, so a potty top seat is out of the question too. But cool idea for in the future.
Ssssssame. He has to be naked for it to work. He doesn’t care. I’m struggling at the moment but we have discovered that Hershey kisses are a great reward for using the potty.
That’s so frustrating. Smart boys are tough. My oldest was exactly like your boy. My twins did really well bottomless and I was much more easy going about it. One of my twins started regressing after preschool started… it seemed like it was something he could control. I went with the old school bribe. “Everyone gets a candy when you go on the potty.” This way his brother and 5 yr old sister would help remind him and we all celebrate together. I know how frustrating it is but it won’t always be this hard. You’re doing great!