Dear heavens I havent the slightest idea please help a girl out 😔

I really do not feel like this is talked about enough and I guess being a first time bonus moms I was nervous to say something/ask for opinions -help however, I have noticed the past maybe 2 months my son (he is 1) has been messing with,touching or trying to play with his manhood at diaper changes and I honestly have no idea where we go from here, I move his hands away and explain that is something we don't when we're cleaning up after a potty but sometimes he's so aggressive in fighting back my hands so he'll just start crying,I let him explore in bath times idk to me that just makes more sense in letting him figure out his own body,I'm just having those I feel like I'm doing it all wrong/going about it all wrong moments...
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I haven’t had this issue with my boy. But it not uncommon and friend of mines both boys did it. It is kinda awkward especially being the female parent. She would just do anything to distract them during diaper changes and try to best to discourage it. I honestly don’t know what the best approach is. But your doing great momma

Not doing anything wrong at all. My first boy never did it, my second boy still does at 19m. I try reiterate and redirect or have something to occupy his hands during changes. All for it in the bath though during changes is something we are working on

You aren’t doing anything wrong! It’s normal development as they are exploring their body. My son also recently started doing this, and we have found keeping a toy nearby the change table to give to him has helped distract him.

This is super common, they're just learning their body! I think you're doing the right things with keeping hands away during changes due to the mess but allowing exploration during bath times.

My son discovered his penis a while ago he touches during diaper changes but I don't scold him I tell him that's his penis but it's not a toy so we don't play with it. It's OK to feel it but it's yours not for every one. He doesn't go nuts showing anyone or touching constantly so I think we are good. It's normal for them to explore their body. Nothing to be alarmed about. They understand more than we think.

That is totally normal!!! All boys do this and it's natural for them to explore and learn. It's never good to try and stop it or shame

that’s actually normal. i would not stop him from exploring his own body parts. he will grow out of it. my son did the same and is now 19 months. he doesn’t do it anymore. maybe, occasionally but not every diaper change. now, my son will stand up and look down to see himself pee. in the tub 🤦🏻‍♀️ i think it’s almost time for potty training because he knows when he’s about to pee lol

My son does the same thing and I let him for the most part during baths or if he’s just hanging out. When he does it during diaper changes I just calmly ask him to move his hands so mommy can clean him and change his diaper. Definitely let him explore though because that’s all it is

My son did that for the longest time. Even with a diaper on he’s go thru the side if he could. He doesn’t do it any more he’s 21 months now. I gave up trying to stop him lol I think they are just curious bc they found another body part they were unaware of lol

I was once out shopping with my little boy, stopped to give him a feed and then a change and a gentlemen came in with his son to change him also. We had a brief chat and he gave me one piece of advice. He said ‘always make sure you’ve got something to occupy their hands when changing their bum otherwise they’ll be down there playing with it’. So you’re not alone there haha, I can’t relate yet but it’s the only advice I’ve been waiting to use!😂😂😂

Totally normal. Dont make a big deal about it is my suggestion. Our boy grabs his penis often Ans i say buddy out your penis back in your undies (he’s 2) he now has access to it since he’s out of diapers so it’s normal to want to explore.

Put* your penis away *

Just leave him to it - it’s entirely normal x

My 10 month old started doing it during nappy changes but doesn’t cry, I jut put his hands away and said it’s not for touching

Not doing ANYTHING wrong!

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Hey I feel you, as a first time mother and that there can be many insecurities. I feel like its okay when a boy or girl play with their genitals, because as you also said so, they just want to explore their bodies. That is so natural, although it's important to know your boundaries and to maybe tell him that he can do it somewhere else for himself. I would not do a shame on it, because this is also an important phase. Maybe just letting him for a while in a secure environment. . My approach may not be the best at all, but this is how I would do it. You are doing your best, you are a good mama. Keep that in mind. 🌟❤️ i hope you find a good solution 🙏🏻

I have a son (11 TODAY!!! 😭) and two daughters (7.5 and 4.5). My 7 daughter is actually the one who has (from as soon as she could flip over in her crib so that she could ’wiggle’ always been highly interested in herself. Just last night, she told me that she was glad that her bed was cleared out (way too many stuffies, etc.) so that she “could do her c-r-o-c-h thing.” I said “Heh?” And she said, “You know, the thing where I wiggle and rub on something….. You know, because it feels good…..” I laughed and told her that it’s called masturbating. 😳 She looked quite surprised to find out that it had a name! This was immediately followed by “……..Do other people do it?……..” And I said that yes, everyone does it. Because it feels good. Then I reiterated what we’ve always told all of our kids which is that it’s just “By yourself, in your bedroom.” We discussed a few things further then, like, with clean hands, so that your vagina doesn’t get sick, and no, even if everyone else is (contd.)

asleep in the living room, it’s still not appropriate to do it then. And right now, it’s just for you, but when you get older, you may find someone that you want to share it with, but that’s a LONG TIME coming, etc. My parents were always very open with me and my brother growing up and I hope to continue on with a sex and body positive household for my children. Just a month ago, I came across some old expired condoms that my ex and I had bought after our SURPRISE baby (after iui and ivf for our two oldest, nonetheless!). I’m not using any condoms any time soon, and definitely not any expired ones! So I took the learning approach and showed my son how to put one on (a banana!!!). I’m sure that there are folks who will say it’s too young. He’s nowhere even NEAR ready to be intimate with anyone, but this is definitely one area that I would rather that my children have ALL of the information BEFORE they EVER need to use any of it. Many doctors offices now start giving girls, (contd.)

and boys!, the HPV vaccine now at age 11! My son is also incredibly mature and has been formally identified as highly gifted and talented (top 2%) so he’s also definitely capable of getting information and being able to appropriately process it in ways that other kids his age may not be. I have actually found a few great books for kids who are kind of coming of age, that he and I have read together. If anyone is interested in the names of those books, please feel free to DM me and I can send you the titles/links! At any rate, I think that giving kiddo a minute to check himself out while you’re changing his diaper at this point in time, is no different than letting him explore his toes without socks on. I, from as soon as they started checking themselves out, have always just told them it’s for “by yourself, in your bedroom. (With clean hands)” and it seems to be working pretty well with my littles, so…. 🤷🏻‍♀️👍🏻

So That’s How I Was Born! (by Robert Brooks) is a great into to sex book for little kids and it gives enough information without TOO MUCH information for what little brains can handle. I actually have the exact copy that my parents used to read to myself and my brother when we were little, and now I’m reading it to my 4 and 7 daughters. I’ve added a discussion bit at the end about iui/ivf/fertility treatments, c-sections (all 3 of mine were cesareans) and also discussed same sex relationships and how it is that gay people are able to grow their families if they choose to have children. But, overall, still the best book I’ve found for little tots!

I just let my boy go with it, he loves a good scratch or play down there. However, if he’s done a number 2 then I’ll make sure he has a toy to play with so I can clean up or if he goes down there with his hands when I’m just changing a wee nappy then I make sure to wash his hands after - I’m teaching it’s perfectly ok to have a good scratch but as long as we maintain clean hands and good hygiene 😅

I’d start introducing him to a potty.

It’s normal hun

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