Potty Training

My 2.5 year old girl is not interested in potty training. We got her a potty at 1.5 and she was VERY interested UNTIL she pooped in the potty and we flushed it away!!! SHE WANTED TO HOLD IT AND WE TOLD HER NO. After that she wanted nothing to do with the potty. It's now a year later and she screams and cries when we put her on the small potty we got her. We also have taken diapers away and replaced it with training undies with her favorite character. We also started a potty chart where she gets a sticker for not crying (hasn't gotten a sticker yet), a puffy sticker for a pee (she's gotten a handful of those), and a chocolate kiss for a poop. Our biggest struggle is her crying on the potty. And begging to get off. What do we do!?
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My most important advice is take it slow and let the toddler take the lead. Some parents are set on potty training before kids are ready and it can be stressful for both parents and kids. Don’t focus so much on getting them trained before a certain age. With my daughter we tried a few times when she was 2 and it was never successful. We tried again at 3 1/2 and within a week she had it down. We also only focus on day time potty training. She’s 4 now and still wears diapers at night. We did the bare bottom method. Put an oversized shirt on her and left her with no undies/pull ups/diapers the first 2 weeks. We also put the potty in the living room and let her go as she wanted. The first day I sat her down every 30 minutes but after that I let her take the lead. We high fived after every time she went and I made it a big deal by congratulating her and saying things like “yay” “you did it” “you’re such a big girl” “I’m so proud of you” also played the potty song by Gracies world

Potty training shouldn’t be hard or stressful. When you wait until your kids ready it’s pretty smooth

My son was like that then we got the potty seat with a ladder and now he’s potty trained after a week

@Stephanie we listen to the potty song by Gracie's corner and we also read a potty book. Her potty is in the living room where we spend most of her time. We are only focusing on day time potty training too. I agree potty training shouldn't be this hard but somehow... It is.

@Liv so it just took your boy 1 week to be potty trained?

We got a larger potty seat with steps and he was so much happier with it. We went completely diaper free and it worked. I think the seat we were trying to use was uncomfortable and made him not want to sit on the potty

@Liv she did potty train well with the potty she has but it was her first poop that made her not want to do it anymore. She went poop, we celebrate, She asked to hold it, I giggled and told her no it's yucky and stinky. I took it to the potty to flush it, she started crying and that was the last time she sat on the toilet willingly

One thing we do that might be helpful for you is we wave bye bye to our poop as we flush it down. The first time we took her poo to the toilet she looked worried so I told her to say bye bye and it's worked ever since. Another thing was after a few weeks she started not wanting to sit on the toilet so everytime I noticed that she needed to go I would go and then ask her if she wanted a turn. They tend to want to do what your doing so this helped get things back on track.

Is it possible that the flushing scared her? Or that being on the toilet is scary for some reason? Someone else suggested a potty seat with a ladder and that might help her feel better about sitting down. How do you warn her before taking her potty? Are you taking her every hour or on a schedule? How long are you making her sit? I personally wouldn't push it past two minutes maximum. For my kiddo, reading books on the potty helped a huge amount and we used stickers as positive reinforcement too.

@Madi no she's fine when I flush the toilet, she like to sit on my lap while I used the bathroom. We have a potty book and we do stickers. She just cries when it's time to sit on the toilet and cries the entire time.

Can someone post a link to this potty ladder thing???

SKYROKU Toilet Potty Training Seat https://a.co/d/dZvcWDy

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