You could ring your drs and ask for a prescription to be sent to the chemist near your mum but just make sure they change the chemist back for when you request it next
@Fran it is a prescription but I haven’t got the slip with me :(
@Fran how long will it take
@Kirsty how long does that take normally? Because he will need it today
They should be able to do it straight away. I used to work at a drs and we did it all the time for patients just let the receptionist know you need it urgently and they should be able to get the dr to sign it off
@Kirsty aw okay? Even if it’s to a different chemist and I’m not able to get to my doctors to get the prescription
Yea they will be able to send it electronically so you won’t need a paper prescription
@Kirsty wish I knew that :( had to travel back carefully with the snow being bad ish
Ah no that’s annoying. At least you know for next time. Hope you got home safely
If it’s prescription, normally you can get an emergency prescription from 111 and it’s sent to a chemist by you 😊 You can ring or I think there’s an online service 😊