I started using Finch app. It works with my adhd self and needing some sort of stimulation or reward. I have an 80 day streak which is longer than I've stuck to other similar task apps. You can add goals that are one time or that recur. You could make your whole grocery list into tasks like "get grapes" "get crackers" and check them off. Checking them off earns you gems that you can spend in the shop on your little bird lol
I use my phone calendar ALOT to manage appointments and just tasks I need to do! I'd forget everything if I didn't 😅
Not well lol
I use notion as a personal database. I also use google sheets for budgeting and keeping track of what I want to buy.
I plan for my meals for each week every Sunday and write them in my notes app. I actually use my notes app for a lot, I even have a “random shit to eventually buy” list. And then I use an app called AnyList to make my grocery list, it can link to recipes in Pinterest so you can just check the items off! I also recently started using the app called finch for my daily and other personalized goals which @Steffani mentioned above (want to be friends? :)) Other than that, I have a whiteboard on my fridge for random reminders like appts and a notebook for weekend to-do lists. There is not a method to my madness
Honestly I have various apps that help me with this kind of stuff but right now I am so sleep deprived that nothing is helping unfortunately.
@Steffani I've heard about finch!! Super help for direction. How did you first hear about it?
@Breaha 😪😪 Which apps?
@Deena I'm building this app that will be the everything app for Moms. I think it will help bundle these all together. Wanna check it out? Vivs.co
@Brianna Give me a few minutes and I will show them to you. However these are apps available in the US so I'm not sure if they are available in other countries.
@Breaha perfect
I found this app that's a Mom Daily Planner with AI. It helps you figure out what you need to buy for food, order it, returns, and a bunch of other things. It's called Vivs (vivs.co). Anyone hear of it?