Baby acts like he's starved 🙄
My EBF 5.5month old LO has always slept pretty well. Started sleep regression at 4 months, but it didn't last long as he learnt to self settle. He went back to one wake up for a feed at night.
Now he's waking constantly and needs food. He pulls my top until he gets his boob and gulps it down like I haven't fed him in a week, but it's only been an hour or 2. He's fed on demand and is constant during the day. I was advised by GP and HV to wean him at 4 months due to him absorbing everything (poops maybe once a week). For example, last night he emptied both boobs before dinner, then had 2 icecubes sizes of brocoli puree and a spoon of bedtime oats, screamed for more which he didnt get so opted for more boob . At 7 he had a 200ml bottle of expressed milk followed by one boob and slept 7:30till 9, then awake and had the other boob. Back down at 9:30 until 11:30 for both boobs, again at 3:30 and 6:30 before waking at 8:30 for more.
He's not pooping any more than before and also has water with meals.
Is this some sort of giant growth spurt or is my baby broken?
Following for information. Sorry I have no advice x