We started at 24 months and he is still having about 3 accidents a week. Mostly pee and mostly at the nursery… Not sure if this is “normal”? You?
Do you still use nappies for outings and pull ups? Mine have been doing great for a 6 months but she never tells me if she needs to go. She would pee/ poo and come let me know after lol
Maybe start no nappies but worry too many accidents at nursery
@Lou Lou no I don’t. Only for sleep. Maybe try removing them? What are you thinking?
@Lou Lou to start with probably but she will get there.
All trained. Started at 22 months We did bare bottom, then loose boxers, then added trousers. Using the Oh crap potty training method
potty trained since about 19 months old, started early summer so he wasn’t cold being bare bottomed, took a week maybe to master the potty itself and then moved onto training with pants and then pulling pants down and back up by himself
We haven’t started yet and she just turned 2 in October. We have had a potty in the bathroom for a good 6 months and she will sit on it but won’t ever do anything. No idea if she’s ready or not. She won’t even tell us when her nappy needs changing.
We started last month and he is up and down. He’s mastered weeing on the potty but very rarely will tell me when he needs to poo 😩
started end of november and it's up and down. for the most part she'll take herself to the potty when she needs it but she is still having accidents! we use pull ups to go out xx
We're about to start in the next month.
We havnt starting yet, he’s showing signs and saying poo’d and wee wee but to me he’s still not ready. Will try in a few more months More like 2 half 3. Don’t feel pressured to start it x
We started it, but she didn't seem ready. Went to the doctors because my little one has suffered with constipation and the doctor has actually said not to start potty training yet until it's sorted as it will be putting her off🙃😬
Mine is great if he is reminded to go, but not so good at telling us. Starting to worry we started it too soon but now he’s had nearly two weeks nappy free I don’t want to go back!
Not started yet! But he’s showing signs so time to get the potty out😃