How many ml/oz is everyone's babies drinking per day?

My boy is almost 4 months and I am exclusively pumping. He drinks around 1100ml of breast milk a day, is this too much? Everything is see says 750-1000 is normal but I only feed when he's hungry, it seems inhumane to try and cut it down.
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Mine has around 800ml-1000ml

Some babies need more than others, if he's following his centile and you're feeding on demand and pace feeding then it's fine and you're probably not overfeeding him, he probably just needs a little more than others. Pumping 1100ml is insane - well done! I stopped exclusively pumping last week and christ it was bloody hard work so give yourself some credit if you haven't already!!!

We also exclusively pump and she consumes around the same :) some days more some days less.. I think breastmilk is a bit less dense than formula so it makes sense that volumes are a bit more.. definitely continue feeding on demand!

@Charley he is still between 50th-75th centile so you must be right. Maybe he does just need a little more! That's a relief ☺️ Aw thank you, it is so hard isn't it. I've just managed to drop to 5 sessions a day and maintain my supply and my goodness it's made the world of difference to my life! Trying to stick it out to 6 months if I can xx

@Isa oh that's a relief to hear ☺️ Yes, some days he has a 900 day but more often that not he hits the 1000-1100 mark. That makes a lot of sense, thank you. I'll just carry on as we are xx

Between 600-800ml a day.

My girl has between 400-500ml a day.

450-550ml per day of bottle and about 35-45 minutes breastfeeding

My son is between 800-900ml he is bottle fed

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