Changing to lactose free formula

Has anyone changed their babies milk to lactose free without being instructed by a GP? I’ve been numerous times and I keep being told he has reflux but no reflux medication they are prescribing is helping and I am honestly loosing the will to live seeing my baby suffering every day! I have already tried 3 different brands of milk and my breast milk but he still displays the same issues *attached image of all my concerns*
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Have you checked him for a tongue tie x

I changed my sons formula to lactose free but he wasn’t displaying the symptoms you’ve mentioned above - he just had constantly runny yellow stools that smelt sour. He was otherwise happy. I would be looking down the milk protein allergy route.

@Nadiah yes he had this done at 2 weeks old it was really bad but all sorted there now x

@Nire yes my little one has loose yellow stools that smell really bad too! Trying to get through to a GP is hard work they think they know my baby best! Has your little one been better on the lactose free formula? X

My sons 3 now so we’re talking a couple of years ago but yes he was much, much better on lactose free. The symptoms you’re mentioning above look more like an allergy to a protein rather than lactose intolerance though so I’d have them rule this out as well. Don’t let them walk all over you, you know your child and you are his voice so don’t let them palm you off (talking from experience) x

To be honest, I’d probably go to the GP one more time and specifically ask to try it specifically - not asking their opinion on it. If they still said no, I would explain I am going to purchase it myself to try it but would prefer to have medical oversight over it so would request to speak to GP manager. Ours has a manager and lots of GP’s so I’d ask for a new one but I know that’s not always the set up

My daughter (now 2.5) developed lactose intolerance after catching covid at 5 weeks of age. We didn't find the GP much use. They asked us to contact the HV and we found them to be far more knowledgeable on feeding.

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