Potty training

I’m trying to potty train my 18 month old But he seems to be holding his urine So hasn’t had a pee on the toilet. I’ve let him go naked and he peed on the floor after two hours! Anyways he will only sit on the potty for Etheir 3 seconds or 1 minute. But doesn’t matter how long he sits he still won’t pee. And I’ve been trying to push fluids on him just to try to get him to pee more LOL I’m at a lost. Someone give me some advice 🤣
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Is he showing signs of readiness dor potty training? If not, then he isn't ready and it wont go well 😔

@Stephanie idk? What are signs? He’s occasionally said “poo” and then pooped in his diaper but that’s not all the time. Like two mins ago he pooped his diaper and didn’t say anything. But I mean he’s almost 19 months old , shouldn’t he be ready?

And like when I put him on the potty I try to make it fun for him so he doesn’t hate it. So I don’t force him to sit on it, so like should I be making him sit longer even tho he doesn’t want to? Like am I being too lenient ?

Your LO doesn't seem ready. At 18 months, my son was able to say "pee pee" and ran to the potty. Granted, we have been doing EC since 6/7 months old. I would wait a little. Your eagerness can be harmful. Potty training is very much baby led. You shouldn't be forcing anything

Some signs of readiness are interest in the toilet, knowing when they need a new diaper (such as asking for a new one or bringing one to you/you to one), and waking up dry from naps/sleep or staying dry for 2 hours or more. On average, girls show signs/are ready around 2 years and boys between 2 and 3 years. Thats not to say your kiddo won't be ready before then, but pushing it will make it worse 😅 If youre super adamant, you could do a schedule, like go to the potty every 30 minutes or something and be like "do you need to potty? Lets try" My daughter is 16 months and has asked to sit on the toilet multiple times but she has never actually used it 😅 She will pretend to wipe when I am using the bathroom and she'll even put her toiler paper piece in the toilet and try to flush afterwards.

I think what I’m gonna do is just leisurely put him on potty even if he’s not interested or wants to pee. Just to show him and put no pressure yknow.

Potty training involves a lot of different skills put together. What we found most helpful was to start with hand washing, then to go to climbing up the stool and sitting on the toilet, then to practice putting the toilet lid up and down and then flushing. Then we practiced pushing pants down to get undressed and pulling pants up to get dressed. After all this I would ask my LO if she wanted to take a turn everytime I went to the bathroom. When she showed interest in wanting to sit on the potty is when we went bottomless for a few days. We also had a little potty that stayed in every room with us to limit accidents. IMO potty training is more about them realizing the sensation that they need to go and knowing where that is supposed to happen. You put that together with all the skills you've taught them and it goes fairly smooth.

@Karly there isn't a certain age that they have to start potty training. My nearly 3 year old isn't potty trained yet. They are all ready at different ages.

Thank you guys I feel overwhelmed about it honestly Just feel like I’m failing lol

@Karly of course you're not failing, 18 months is early to be starting. My daughter is 3 in a couple of months & we haven't started yet. She hasn't shown any signs of being ready & says no thank you whenever I ask her about using the potty. There does seem to be a lot of pressure to get it done.

@Karly Youre definitely not failing! Potty training is kind of a 50/50 on if its picked up super fast or if it takes a bit. One of the most important things is to not put pressure around it, which it sounds like you are not doing, so that's good! Starting at 18 months can be a longer journey than waiting until 2-3, but it can be done with tons of patience and following kiddos lead!

Thank you guys! I honestly don’t know how I would process things without this app 🤣

My son is 3.5 and still isn't trained. We've been working on it now for a year 🤦‍♀️ He can go 1&2 on the potty before bed (not every night)... But he hates to stop playing so he just goes on his diaper. we've tried everything except going bottomless... That will be a last resort. I think our struggles are at least partially due to poor interoception. Meanwhile my daughter has been watching our journey and started asking to sit on the potty around 19-20 months. In the last 5 months she's only actually gone pee a few times... But she keeps asking so I definitely don't want to discourage her!

@Danielle my guy never asks 🤣 Thank you though I feel less behind in milestones now

Awww don't feel like your failing. I didn't start teaching my daughter the skills to do everything till she was 16 months and we didn't actually go bare bottom till she was 2. All kids learn this skill in their own time! You got this Mama 🩷

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@Karly boys tend to be further behind. A friend who works at a Montessori school (and brought her daughter every day) had her daughter trained before 2 years... But that's definitely the exception, not the rule. You're not failing. Everyone person learns in their own time. And at this age their bladders empty when they are full. It will take time for them to learn to control and relax to empty their bladders before the point that they're full.

I suggest reading the book “go diaper free”. Take him once every hour or so just to sit on the potty. Remain neutral, don’t get angry if nothing happens. Just try again later for say, one minute at a time. Your child has been taught to potty in the diaper their whole life, so going on the potty is a whole new skill he will have to learn. Expose him to the idea more by reading books about going in the toilet, let him pick out some cool “big kid” underwear. Get him involved in the process, and give it time.

M Deb Didkddidjjdj

As far as I know their body is not prepared for potty training before 2 years old!

My daughter was showing signs of being ready to be potty trained by telling us when she was wet or pooped, staying dry for longer periods of time, and showing interest in potty so once I taught her what the potty was, let her pick out a seat and underwear, she was potty trained in a week. Now I’ve got a nephew who turns 2 in a couple weeks and is still in diapers. He doesn’t care if he’s wet or pooped and has no interest in the potty at all. They tried letting him run around the house naked or in underwear and he didn’t care if he was wet and actually peed on their table on purpose 😂 so they stopped trying so they wouldn’t get frustrated and hate it. Every kid is different and I heard boys take longer but I’d definitely wait till he was acting like he was ready to make it easier on everyone

Sometimes I take a wet wipe and wipe her belly button to encourage peeing and now we get 4/5 on the potty everyday just barely 18 months no poops yet though

@Lexi ??? LOL?

you can try I have my 3 and half year old potty trained now. Yay lol And then my 5 year old is resisting me but he has adhd so I am trying to be more patient with him. My 2 year old will sit on the potty when his older brother goes but don’t know if he really grasps the concept, so I haven’t pushed it with him.

Guys he peed on the toilet!!!! He was on the bed playing and he got down off the bed straight to the bathroom we put him on the toilet and he peed!

Like he took himself to the bathroom!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yay!! That's how it starts...you just let them have the choice and go with it!

@Sarah omg I’m so happy! I know tomorrow it may not happen again but I hope it does

@Karly that was my son sorry

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