First off. This sounds like 2 year molars? It can definitely cause these issues and behavior shifts. Also toddlers can definitely go weird in the food department at this age. They really only need 2 tablespoons to feel full. Sometimes toddlers eat a ton one day and then are picky for 3 days lol it’s a up and down battle in my house with a 3 year old. My pediatrician told me that as long as they are not loosing weight or underweight. It’s okay. He also told me that I need to make sure I don’t offer a lot of snacks and milk. I tend to give in a lot because she won’t eat! So what’s worked for me is making her snacks healthier and she loves smoothies and pouches so it helps to get the nutrients into those. The other tantrum stuff sounds like he’s hit the do it myself age and it’s a hard one!! Hang in there mama!!! When my daughter doesn’t get her way or cries about stuff I ask her if she wants a hug and she always says yes. Maybe finding a comfort in these moments when emotions get to big
@Brittney I think he’s getting his molars yes. He had a picky eating stage but that was just a days worth. Now he’s being too much ugh but yeah likely teething.
They all go through phases of being picky eaters. That is just normal toddler behavior. Just let him eat when he wants. There's no point in forcing them to eat when they don't want to eat. They usually just graze.
@Anne I do try to give him some independence but it’s like the kid is given an inch and wants a mile lol 😆 I let him take his plates and stuff in the sink when he’s done eating. I have him put away his diaper changing stuff when I’m done changing him and empty the dryer for me when the clothes are dry. But then I’ll go try to cook and he wants to cook 😬
@Rachel yeah we don’t force him to eat. It’s just really frustrating when we know he’s hungry but he won’t eat. Like he’ll refuse food that’s given to him. He’ll put his plate in the sink. Then 20 minutes later he’s complaining he’s hungry and wants to eat 😣 sometimes we leave food out on his table and see if he comes back to it and he’ll get frustrated when we bring it out it’s like we can’t win lol
Sounds like molars. And also, yes, he is exploring his independence and boundaries. Lean into it. Let him drink from a big boy bottle. Will he get wet? Yes. Will he learn a new skill? Also yes. With the rest, make it a game. "I bet you can get your shoes on as fast as I can" etc. let him help cook/prep food. it's exhausting but it will pass soon
Stay strong mamas! All great advice! Yes, it’s a thing for most todds. VERY exhausting, a struggle for sure, but also AMAZING watching it right before your eyes as they learn new things almost daily and continue growing into these tiny to medium little humans that will forever be a part of you! I love it! My middle son is on the way out of the stage and then we have one more. Now he’s the screamer and most definitely our biggest baby (in all ways possible). Yall pray for me!
@Rema maybe just keep it on a plate in the kitchen. Then, if he asks for it, bring it in & put it on his table.
Can’t talk to the eating, but the wars over independence are familiar in our house. I tried implementing something I heard in a podcast and it has been working well for us: Whenever we put shoes on/off, change a nappy, get in car seat, brushing teeth, etc my son gets as many tries to do it himself as he is old. It took some consistency, but now he knows that he’ll get to try again tomorrow and it has really slowed down those tantrums. It’s no slower than dealing with his upsets. It’s a rough time 💚