Put your foot down and if he doesn't start fixing up take him to court!
I haven’t let him pick him up in a good while now. He says he doesn’t smoke but his friends hotbox his car while he’s in it. Either way it all stresses me out. It’s just court costs a lot of money and I’m not financially ready for that which is why we have tried to be cordial and handle things ourselves but the last couple of months he’s been out of control. I will only meet him at the park now and watch them play. I won’t let him take him alone.
There had to be a way to set a payment plan up with the court... That's so much stress on you ! You're bending over backwards while he's doing all of that .. please try to see if there's a professional that can guide you through this.. before it gets worse 😕
Please take him to court for child support and stop allowing him to pick up your child when you know he smokes drugs in an enclosed environment and may still be high. Please document and keep evidence of his erratic behaviour. You may need it to ensure that this man only gets supervised visitation. I wouldn’t want my child to be around someone like that.