I had the same when they switched my medication for round 2 and it just didn't do anything compared to round 1.... They gave me the trigger shot anyway to try and conceive naturally in the hopes we would catch an egg out of one of those 2 follicles. We were unsuccessful with this approach, and proceeded forward, Waited for a bleed (withdrawal) and went ahead with next round on my natural cycle. I'm so sorry you're going through this, we were disheartened too, but lead us to a successful cycle with the trial and error 🤞🏻❤️✨️ Best of luck! Xx
I'm so sorry this is happening 😢 IVF is so tough! I didn't have this happening to me, but your doctor will probably change your medications and/or dosage on your next round. IVF is trial and error. Sadly, doctors can't always predict how your body will react to medication. They do the best with the information they have. I did 4 back to back rounds of IVF. It was really hard, but I was a woman on a mission, and the doctors changed protocols each time to try for better results. My first FET was successful. Sending you love ❤️
@Veronica they’ve not really said anything at the moment but I’ll hopefully find out. Whilst it’s good to have all the information you need to remember everyone is different. Good luck in your treatment 🤞🏻 x
@Dani I’m hoping to not use the trigger shot and we’ll definitely be trying over the next week just in case. Hopefully our next cycle will have better results. I’m glad you had good results that’s given me some hope too 💜 x
@Bela Thank you. I’ve no idea what they’ll try next but I really do hope they make changes. Fingers crossed our first FET when it eventually happens works too 🤞🏻 x
They allowed me to still trigger my ovulation so it was a more timed conception for us e.g (egg guaranteed to release within 40hrs) but it's understandable, it was just to utilise what we had, and abandon accordingly (we didn't use one of our IVF rounds for this, we were allowed 1 abandoned) So the trigger was just complimentary 😊
@Dani I’m jealous we are self funded so I’ll be saving my trigger shot as every penny helps in my case 🙈 x
Did they tell you why this happened? Do you have low ahm, antranal count etc? My question is more for understanding since I will be soon under IVF and I am trying to understand the chance and possible situations