The universal NCS is 2.14€ off per hour up to 40 hours a week. Do you have a creche lined up? Not very many would offer part time places
The waiting lists are huge. I had my boys name down since I was 8 weeks pregnant and he only got a place for 3 days now. He is 2. So I'd ring places and see what they say. Girls above have the advice about NCS.
I think I have found a place, waiting on information to set on. In regards the NCS when do I apply? Can I apply a couple of weeks before she starts or after?
@aisling apply now , to get your CHIC number to give to the creche , and they will calculate what you owe then 😊
@aisling to do assesment creche will send you hours to approve on ncs website too.
Hi , yes the National childcare scheme, it will means test you and give you a subsidy towards your fees, for part time it be 20 hours weekly , and whatever rate an hour they offer. It's brilliant , honestly every little helps. You can apply to see what it gives you, and then you have a rough estimate, but you need to really know what the creche charges part time to have an exact. You can log in with your MyGov ID , hope that helps. I only found out about it by chance , nobody tells you these things 😅