Baby Constipated

Does anyone have any advise for constipation little one is now 4 days old an d is constipated her poos are coming out quite hard and in drops (sorry if TMI) i’ve tried bicycle legs and tummy rubs but doesn’t seem to be helping and she’s screaming the place down during the night after feeds:( Honestly feel completely helpless when she’s screaming and nothing seems to be working!
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You could try a bath, this may help 🙂 baths help my LO

1ozs apple juice 1ozs water. 1st thing in morning or last thing at nite. Xx

I would contact your health visitor or midwife for any suggestions, I wouldn’t like to try anything other than the things you have already tired without checking first x

Definitely contact your midwife or health visitor if it’s solid xx

Contacted my HV today about same thing. She advised massaging tummy, warm bath, & moving baby legs in cycling motion. If no movement in 24hrs, she suggested contacting GP for further advice.

thanks everyone contacted assessment unit and they basically just says baths and trying the cycling, they weren’t worried about it as she is still producing wet nappies and stools, but to mention to midwife in morning. Really don’t want to wait till morning as she’s under a lot of distress 😩😩

@Mirren The advice from my HV has worked an absolute treat for my son this evening. So worth persevering and seeing how you get on. Hope it helps and can put your baby out of distress. Definitely agree with mentioning to midwife too.

@Incognito thanks very much her stools seem to be softening we will see what she’s like for the next feed fingers crossed, i’m so anxious to bath her so haven’t done this one yet! however keen to try it

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