Just ranting

Tell me what your life is like. I left my kids' bio dad bc he went to work and came home and ignored us for his online video games and friends. Yes, I was a stay at home mom, but he didn't help with the kids or keeping up with the house either. I felt alone and that I could do better on my own. I now have a new man , but I still feel alone. I currently stay home, and I cook, clean, do homework with the kids, and then bedtime routine. He doesn't lift his finger when he gets home. Are most men like this now? Is the only good thing they are for is companionship and money?
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To be honest this is what it’s looking like nowadays, the women are doing more for the family than men… we sacrifice a lot mentally physically and emotionally while the men go out and hang with their homeboys

Not all men are like this, but a there are a lot who are. You have to have hard conversations about what each of you expect and are willing to do. And decide if you’re better with or without them

Not in my household, my husband works a full time job with a ton of OT but still comes home and helps with the kids he helps me clean and cook depending on what we have going on. We have hobbies we do together, he is always there when I need him to be. If for some reason he can't he makes sure I have support. He will call his parents to come lend a hand or be on standby incase I need a hand. He is one to say women aren't the only ones who cook and clean it's a team effort.

That’s the old time man, not these new ones they don’t like doing shit

@Akeshia I think as women we just need to all learn to demand and set boundaries for the needs we have to be met. For the relationship to be shared not just carried by one person. My Father used to say behind every good man is an amazing woman. My parents also worked as a team. I had a good example of what I wanted and didn't settle until I found and formed it.

No maam!! Leave him too. I left my son’s father in 2022 and never looked back. That’s when he knew i was standing on business. He took me and life very seriously after and now we are great co parents. Be by yourself I promise you will feel the most freedom ever and you’ll attract exactly what you want. Never settle just because someone is “present”. You and your babies are a GIFT! You deserve a man who wants to be involved with you as much as your children. Don’t look for him, let him look for you and then you will see if they want to be in your life or just a lesson in it… Love ya ❤️

Honestly I have a gamer husband and he works full time while I'm a stay at home mom. . My husband still takes the trash out does the dishes helps me cook, and helps parent our kids.. I keep the house clean inside and out and I home school our 4 kids. if a man wanted to they would. Maybe have a conversation and ask for help or ask where his mind set it in the relationship so you know where he stands in his opinion.

I had similar experience with my first husband. I do not have that issue in my current relationship. He works but he also helps with home responsibilities and the kids. Edit to add: I am a stay at home mom as of June.

I could have wrote this myself, minus the gaming. In the process of getting a divorce. My soon to be ex wife would go to work come home and sit on the couch scrolling away on her phone. Never cooked, nor cleaned anything. Didn’t help with anything for the kids at the house, but took on extra work by coaching sports for our kids, but also over scheduled the kids and then pushed more on to my plate, where I also homeschool 2 of our kids. Feeling lighter and less stressed now that she’s moved out, even with going back to work after being a sahm for the last 10yrs and being a single mom. The next partner I have will be a true partner or I’ll just stay single. I’m not raising another adult again.

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