Potty training help !!!!!!

So I’m at a point where I have no idea what on earth I’m doing I’ve tried googling it but nothing proper comes up im really struggling with everything at the moment and some advice would be amazing because at the moment all I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and just cry
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I used the Dr. Becky guide for my son and it worked really well. It was a free download.

I 100% feel the same I'm a single mum to a boy and I have no idea where to even start his 2 in Feb! Following this for help too xx

We waited. Our son will be 3 in March so we tried a couple of times summer just gone and it didn’t click. We waited again till Christmas and it’s taken two weeks with minimal accidents and effort on our part (overnight too). Have a potty out so they get familiar but it’s not something to rush. Our son very quickly became aware of the urge to wee and would take himself to the potty with no prompts or reminders. We did half naked for a couple of days then he asked for pants. We still went out and about too, just planned it around when he’d done a wee! Happy to answer any questions x


Firstly, we all know this feeling. I have two kids and experienced this exact feeling with boys kids being trained. It’s a very stressful and trying time for parent. What works for one family might * kind of sort of* work for your kids and their needs. But for my kids I wanted to establish communication. We took a tour of the bathroom and used correct labels “bathroom. Toilet, sink, soap. Toilet plunger”. Then I had to think “what will motivate you”. Because my youngest was motivated by candy and stickers while my eldest…singing songs and me dancing my ass off (he put me to work). I put my good hat away and brought a lot of candy they enjoy, cookies, juice and bubbles. We stayed home for 4 days straight and everything revolved around sitting on the toilet (I used time increments). So it was every 5 minutes. Then every 10 minutes. Then every 20 minute we sat on the toilet and so on. I also did NOT use a child size toilet (personal preference). In my unprofessional and bias opinion

I think it’s just too much cleaning up and you have to eventually transition them to a standard size toilet. So kids transition smoothly while others will push back on the big bad scary adult size toilet. That’s just too much work (in my opinion). Plus, if they learn on an average size toilet they will be successful when it’s time to go and you’re at -grandparents house -the playground bathroom -at the grocery store bathroom -childrens event space (museum) But one thing ALL kids love is reinforcement. When child goes in the toilet react like you just won’t a free car. If you look stupid doing it—even better (in my opinion). And breathe deeply and calmly because accidents will and do happen….even after they’re “ successfully trained”. Because that’s developmentally normal. Just more towel on hand and some odor removal spray. Take your time. It’s not a rat race and ur child won’t wake up at 25 years old being mad that it’s took you ____ days, weeks or months to get them trained.

@S. annalese some kids actually feel pressure from too much positive reinforcement and then it ends up backfiring. It comes down to everyone knows their own child best and their temperament! With my son we would just offer a general good job or high five, etc but nothing over the top. And that’s what worked *for him.* I think as a parent being mentally prepared is such a huge component of this. Thinking through how your child will react, how you will react to accidents, etc is really helpful.

@GMF we did a lot of high fives too! He loved it!

@GMF key word YOU used *too much** I never said how much reinforcement or how frequently…..what I said is “all kid love reinforcement”. And based on each family and situation that positive reinforcement might look different or present with latency. I didn’t think I need to dive deeply into that…but I guess I do. Furthermore, not once in my post did I say what I did Is correct or incorrect. I make it clear with words like “opinion” “bias, unprofessional and specifically addressing that what works for one family isn’t necessarily going to work for the others. Because I know that this phase in life isn’t equal across the board. Of course theres outliers. Some kids will always feel too much pressure with any kind of reinforcement (negative or positive). And that’s to be expected. Heck, even adults “feel press from too much positive reinforcement”. Does it have to backfire….well—that’s dependent on the parent, the child and communication though out this journey. Thanks for responding❤️

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