We are just bathing 3 times a week atm along with using mustela water for a little freshen up inbetween ☺️
My little boy is 16 days old and we bathe every other day since cord fell off.
Only when needed for me. I was given the same advice that newborns don't need to be bathed every day. With my first, we didn't start a daily bath until they were 3 month old. Previous to that, it was just when I thought they needed it. Once/twice a week and top and tailed. X
I bathe mine every day, I feel like it helps to calm her down and soothe her tummy! No lotions in the bath but I use raw shea butter and coconut oil for her skin every time and it’s got rid of any dryness xx
We didn't bathe our boy til he was a month old as he had an umbilical hernia and umbilical granuloma so couldn't get his belly button wet. We just cleaned up with baby wipes/water as needed. He really likes a bath so we are planning on increasing the frequency until we have a bedtime routine. At the moment we are only doing twice a week though (he's 5 weeks old) to prevent drying his skin out.
I would love to bathe my daughter everyday but have been told it isn’t good for their skin. My daughter also has dry skin, bathing her too often would dry out her skin even more. I bathe her every other day or more if needed x
I do every other day well my partner does. It seems to be his special thing that he can do to help ease my load as I’m breast feeding and pumping
We bathe our little boy, 2 times a week but top and tail him every day. I read somewhere that frequency also depends on how much your baby likes it
Every second day for now x will be doing every day after 3 months .
I personally bathe my baby every night since her cord fell off so around 2 weeks old and she’s almost for 4 weeks now. As her bedtime routine i do bath, feed and then she’ll fall asleep a lot better and will do a stretch of 6 hours sleep in the night x