Health visitor

Has anyone had a home visit from the health visitor yet? If so what does it involve? Do they look upstairs?
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I had mine the other day, she was so lovely ❤️ she just came and sat down with me (over 2hours it took!), discussed safe sleep, if I want to BF, just basically all the newborn basics. She also asks how I was feeling about baby, if I still feel very supported and capable etc. She didn’t ask to go and see upstairs or anything, I don’t think any will? We have weeks before baby is due, so it doesn’t make a difference whether your room is a mess or if you even have everything for baby yet. She did ask if I’m prepped but just in a way like do I feel prepped and do I have things, but she said it doesn’t matter if I don’t have it all yet. She also let me know about antenatal classes and mummy and me classes in my area. For me personally, we had to talk about a DV situation and the plan to stay safe away from the father so that’s maybe why my appointment felt like it took so long! Try not to worry, they’re just there to see how you are feeling and make sure that you know the basics ❤️

I had mine the other week she never came before with my first. She was lovely though was more making sure I was mentally ok over anything got an idea of our support network nothing major. Then offered me people to talk to as I don’t have family close by.

Hey, is this different from the midwife home visit do you know? I’m so confused! Xx

Yeh I only had a midwife come out after I gave birth. Never before.

i had mine around 28 weeks, they talk about safe sleep and what type of feeding your going for. i received my little boys red book and she explained everything else there. that was my personal experience xx

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