Hey there I had a really dry mouth, nose and super sore throat from the point I was second trimester and on in pregnancy and there were times I thought for sure that I would be sick but I got tests done for Covid, strep, etc and they were always negative. You could see if you might be sleeping with your mouth open or snoring at night. That’s what was happening with me. What I ended up doing was trying to stay way over hydrated, taking cough drops, and using those nose strips that you can put on your nose at night. Towards the end of pregnancy I honestly was having almost like sleep apnea problems and had to try sleeping with a pillow to prop me up. My midwives were sympathetic but said there’s not much that I could really do. Once I had the baby, I was back to sleeping normally again, no more snoring and the sore throat is completely gone! Not sure if this is what you could be going through but just wanted to share the experience with you!
Go to the drugstore and get a rapid strep test it costs about 30$ but it’s so worth it you get your antibiotics right away if you test positive might be worth a try I know when I had strep it’s the worst pain ever in my throat!