I’ve heard you have to wake them up to go from a family friend. Like they do in that episode of Bluey lol
I wonder abt this too. My son is almost 4 while he only wakes up with a full pull up other times he is completely dry. Sometimes he will wake up in his sleep to pee. But it’s never consistent with just one of those I mentioned. I assumed they will honestly grow to learn how their body works and eventually be able to do what we can now. I think if they are fully potty trained during the day, that’s all we need to really worry about. This is just how I look at it.
@Jazmine exactly the same as my boy, he was 3 in September and he is still very hit and miss with overnight x
My son is 6.5 yrs old and still isn’t night trained. Every time I bring it up to his doctor they say it’s not a concern until they are at least 9. Because night time training is a milestone that his body has to be ready for. No amount of waking him to potty in the middle of the night, limiting fluid intake before bed, or making him go before he goes to bed helps. He still wakes up wet
It's hormonal and not something that can be tried. My little one was dry on a night by herself before being potty trained
My little girl has been potty trained since she was around 2.5 years old and she wore pull ups until just before age 3, although she was still waking up with a wet pull up but one day I just thought let's get rid of these and go for it, so I bought a Water proof matress protector and made sure she went to the toilet before bed and she hasn't worn a pull up for bed for 5 months now and she's had 2 accidents. My advice here would be to just go for it and see how it goes. I also leave a potty in her room if she needs to go through the night which she has used a couple of times but she always wakes up dry
I waited until my daughter was staying dry/ rather dry in her pullup during the night. Then would make sure she didnt drink anything for an hour before bed, wee before bed and then wake her up in the night for a wee. Started night training when she had just turned 5. Every child will become dry in their own time x
They say it’s hormonal but once they are day trained I intro nights straight after- I want to be done w diapers so I pee them before bed, and since I’m a night owl that sleeps at 12-1am anyway I’ll carry them into the toilet and sssssssss them until they pee then bring them back to sleep, I have a waterproof mat under their bum on the mattress just in case, but a week later of doing that they usually wake up dry as once or twice of peeing themselves they don’t like it and they train themselves to hold it in between. He was full trained at 2y3m, I did in a weekend and trained nights and that took about a week. My girls were trained earlier than that. He’s now 5 sometimes he wakes himself at 4-5am go pee himself and jump back in my bed to sleep, he’s been doing that for about 2yrs.
It’s a developmental thing
Wee before bed, Wee first thing in morning. Cut out drinks after a certain time. They will start waking up dry
Not at that stage yet but my BIL is. He potty trained his toddler at 3 then started night training around 3.5. He woke her up at the same time every night for about a year and recently she’s been waking him up to tell him she needs to potty. She’ll be 5 in February. When my daughter (2.5) falls asleep her training underwear catches everything and hasn’t leaked out yet. Highly recommend having yours wear them at night! From what I remember hearing this is majorly controlled by their ADH hormone which starts being produces between 2-5.
I'm sure it's related to the child's hormone levels, I don't think it's something that can be taught x