
When my baby gags on purée it comes out his nose! Is this normal? He’s 6 months 😊
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How old is baby if they are under 6 months they probably haven’t lost their gagging response which means they should be weaned yet other wise am not sure never happened with my baby

@kelly babies don’t loose their gag reflex, it’s a major thing needed to safely wean babies, to prevent them from getting to the point of choking. Poster, gagging Is completely normal, baby will be getting used to the different tastes/textures etc. if he’s not projectile vomiting on every meal, he is fine! He’s most likely just getting used to tastes and having just causes it to come out of his nose, don’t worry!

@Hermione not there gag reflex the gagging response so when they push food out of there mouth or gag when they only just have it in tongue as post says. Poster has edited post seen I seen it saying he’s 6 months so now I know my comment was regarding early weaning you are probably right just getting used to it

@kelly you mean the tongue thrust reflex? Was getting confused sorry!

Yes that’s it sorry it’s my fault forgetting the name xx

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