
It was my LG’s first day at nursery today and my MIL helped in having her for the morning and then taking her to nursery in the afternoon for her first day as it was also my first day back at work. My husband and MIL can’t stop going on about how sad it was for my LG and how she was crying and not settling there and don’t think nursery is going to be good for her. I’m starting to feel like a bad mum for sending her and going back to work (for the break and sanity really) why don’t they understand? I keep explaining to them both about how she will adjust and she will be upset but it’s on and off. Just looking for some reassurance..
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I honestly don’t mean to be rude about either of them but they need to know how unhelpful/upsetting this is. I was upset my child DIDNT seem bothered when he went to his childminder from so little, as basically every mum I know has always said their first days away have been really hard with their little one crying and being distressed in some way in a new setting. It seems to be the norm and not an exception. You are absolutely right, she WILL adjust and it will be great for her to socialise and be with new people, and get that independence. Please don’t doubt yourself, it is all so hard and you’re not in any way being selfish!!! Xxx

She will be fine, its something new and scary for her but once she gets used to being there, she’ll be fine. Ours has been going since she was 8 1/2 months and started crying at drop off (something she’s never done) after going back following Christmas but we know she enjoys it there and is always happy when we collect her. Stuck with it, you need your sanity and it will be good for her.

Sounds like they have their own agenda or maybe MIL does. Did she want to be the one taking care of her or she wants you to not work? Just ignore the comments from her or don't let her do drop off. And have a talk with husband about why you decided to do this and maybe ask him to go to the nursery and speak to the staff as they can explain the settling in process and that it's totally normal I'm sorry they made you feel bad when it's hard enough already, especially a husband should be more supportive and MIL shouldn't try to control your childcare decisions

Thank you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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