Don't feel guilty for taking his pain away. Teething is horrific. With my first there was a good few weeks where I gave him a dose so he would sleep nearly every night
Calpol is liquid paracetamol. As above, as long as you're not exceeding the limit don't worry. Teething pain is horrible (my little girl is getting her first teeth while my wisdom teeth are coming through)
I’ve a lot of pharmacy friends : who are parents - they settled my nerves.
I’ve done something similar with mine. I don’t want them to be in pain! And it works. Calpol doesn’t help them sleep, it just eases pain so it’s not like we’re drugging them. They get a lot of illnesses while they’re building immunity and teeth coming through, it’s a lot for them and they can’t communicate so I don’t feel bad about it
Don’t worry it’s there to help them, my 9 month old has been the same for months with calpol every few days
As long as your not going over the limit Calpol is there to help when baby isn’t well or if it helps teething nothing to feel guilty about xx