I also am wondering why im feeling back to normal with a lot of energy. I havent felt anything wrong like cramping or spotting.. i think it’s ok. But if you’re really worried, go see your doctor.
Yeah specially closer to the 2nd trimester. As long there’s not a lot of bleeding, you should be okay. When is your doctor’s appointment?
ive also been feeling kind of back to normal this week at about 8 weeks too. pinching and pulling sort of cramps. reach out to your doctor if you are in a lot of pain!
Never felt any symptoms at all with my first pregnancy, this one it comes and goes, will feel 100% normal for a couple days and will have a few symptoms and they come and go, I think it all depends on what you're doing, eating, stess,
I was supposed to have it yesterday but due to a family emergency I had to reschedule it for next Wednesday the 16th.
I lost all of my symptoms at 6 weeks (I had insanely intense symptoms week 4-6 and then it entirely stopped) I freaked out and got a private ultrasound and everything was perfect and all going well. If you have serious cramping too I would contact the early pregnancy unit (via your chosen/nearest hospital), your midwife, or your GP 🥰
There is no bleeding as of now. And I still have some symptoms but definitely not as intense as previous weeks.
I had cramping around 8 weeks and it’s off and on for me…I’m 10 weeks now and the baby’s healthy as can be…if your really worried you should still go see a doctor when you can just for piece of mind
if your ever in doubt , go to your doctor :) but you will have your on and off symptoms and slight cramping can be normal . take it easy with your movements and you’ve got this ❤️❤️ but again if your ever in doubt or just want to be sure , go to your doctor :)
I have soreness but no nausea although I didn’t experience that (morning sickness) my first pregnancy either just exhaustion in the first half, sore breasts, and frequent headaches here and there
I’m 8 weeks as well and haven’t had my appt yet. Since I was 4 weeks I was cramping and bloated. I only felt nauseous once or twice. Reading these comments calmed me down a bit. Starting two days ago, I started feeling relatively normal.
I’m 8 weeks 4 days and have had cramping the whole pregnancy so far some days are worse than others but as long as it’s not really bad or you have bleeding with it, they say it’s normal to have cramping.
i had symptoms at 6weeks then they went away but now that i’m closer to 10 i’m starting to feel them again so it’s normal for them to go away and come
I would go to a doctor asap