Do you have white coat syndrome?

I definitely do. I had my yearly well visit and meditation management appointment today (got me a new fancy Retin-A script). I knew I would need blood work done and getting my Tdap booster and I have an irrational fear of needles. So I was low key freaking out. My BP was 138/94 when they took it. Which is boarderline hypertension. I know I’m not typically hypertensive but we have a lot of stressors in our life right now. So i figured it might be kind of accurate. He told me to take my BP occasionally and let him know in a couple weeks what it’s been running because he does also know I run high at Drs offices and if it continues to run high we would need to monitor it and consider medication at some point. Came home. Took my BP and it’s my normal 110/70 *whew*
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Brother at my OBGYNs office I broke the machine and an error code pops up everytime, they give me 6 minutes and come back and do it manually and it’s a perfect number LMFAOO

I once had a doctor give me an emergency ekg because my heart rate was 150bpm. I had a fever (why I was there) so it was higher. I have a high heart rate normally but she lost her mind. Because of that I’ve had to have multiple heart monitors which comes back normal just high every time 🙄

What is this??

@DeJah when someone’s blood pressure is greatly elevated in a medical setting but normal otherwise

@Parker 又 this makes zero sense but my brain told me you had something up your coochie that was attached to a machine and by the power of vageen you busted it. I’m really tired.

I don’t have white coat syndrome but during this pregnancy (my second) I’m so worried about my BP every time I go in because with my first I had preeclampsia that progressed to help and one of the major sign is high BP but thankfully it’s been normal 🙏🏼 sorry you have to deal with this but hopefully it stays normal at home

@Zainab🗝️ I’m dying

Not that anyone cares but all my test results came in already. Surprise! I have asthma 😂😂😂😂 (it’s not a surprise) everything else is normal. Or good.

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