Amount of formula

If your baby is formula fed, how many Oz/ml are they taking in total per day? My LO (9 weeks old) was drinking around 650ml/day but now all of a sudden has gone up to almost 900ml 😳 My first born didn't drink that much until he was 3/4 months so I'm not sure if this is ok or I am overfeeding him. I know every baby is different and so is their appetite but just curious to know if this is too much.
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My 8 week old is on 6oz 6/7 times a day. So like 1100ml? But he’s a hungry boy 😂

@Ayesha same here 🤣 but a hungry girly hahah

My 5+4 week old is on 4oz bottles and has between 550-900mls a day with a feeling its will increase as we have just changed teats from slow flow to normal x

My 7 week old is on 6oz 6 times a day. Doesn't finish every bottle but has between 5 and 6oz each feed

My 8 week old only takes 2-3oz a go every 2-3 hours, like you say babies are just so different. It might just be he’s that bit hungrier🥰

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