
Anyone else really struggling to walk long distances I went out into town for the first time in a while and I felt like I had to stop every 5/10 mins because I felt like all my insides was going to drop out or it caused horrific lighting crotch
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Same here! I am 35 weeks

I’m 32 weeks and I thought I was going into labour after the walk 😂😂

Yes, I can usually handle one shop and then have to sit in the car whilst my husband goes in the rest for me

YES!! I’m 33 weeks and did a solo food shop yesterday was there for half hour and had to stop every 5 mins as I honestly thought with the amount of pressure I was getting below my waters we’re gunna break and not to mention the waddling being 10x times extreme now, surprised I didn’t make myself sea sick 😂😂

Yes I'm 35+1 but have felt like this for months 😅 need to go to pharmacy today and I'm dreading it! Went to scan yesterday and can't walk today

This is really the stuff they don’t tell you about, the waddle is real and painful 😂

@Shannon I know right!!! My pelvic girdle pain was under control. Walked a bit and that's it! It's back!!!! And somehow we are meant to excercise? 😆 yeah okay

Yep! I’m 33+2 and can’t even walk around the supermarket without feeling like baby is going to fall out 😂

Yep the waddle is real and these babies are all starting to push hopefully their heads and not bums down .... at this point of pregnancy everything sucks

35+1. Joined my partner in doing a big food shop at the supermarket the other day and the pelvic pain was so bad I was hobbling by the end of it lol. What's interesting is I can easily and happily do gentle yoga and Pilates exercises but simply walking is just so so hard.

I'm 35 weeks and yes I can't walk far, my hips/crotch/pelvis area feels loose and weird.. I do short walks and have lots of breaks. Even chores round the house I just do one and then have a rest and so on! Our bodies do need rest so try not to push too hard ❤️

33 weeks and get awful sciatica pains when walking and if i even attempt stairs etc i am so short of breath that i go into coughing fits 🤣🥲

Honestly I feel like walking is gunna be my birth plan 😂😂

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