How often does your toddler poop ?

Last few months my son poops every 5 days ! I have a doc appointment tmrw , but I’m looking for tips how to get him to go more often. He’s not potty trained yet , trying to increase fiber , when he does go I have to give him so much juice to go and his belly hurts when it’s passing.
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Prune purées mixed into foods or just given straight, try lactose free milk if you’re still giving milk. No bananas or foods with heavy dairy and starch in them. My son used to have the same problem and now he goes 1-3 times a day with all those changes

@El Thankyou !! Hes actually still breastfeeding for bed time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ no whole milk but eats a lot of yogurt and loves Mac and cheese and bananas lol. I’ll def try the prunes ! I couldn’t get him to drink prune juice so I end up give him 100 percent apple juice without diluting it to get him to go to the bathroom, when he does go it’s a big ball of poop followed by diarrhea

@Alicia for my son I love to mix prune puree in oatmeal for breakfast he’s weird about the flavor of prunes and doesn’t notice it in there! It was a struggle for a long time my son was the exact same way. I hope this will help! Apple juice is great too and apple sauce pouches

Flaxseed can be mixed in Mac and cheese. Avocado and raspberries have high fiber. Coconut water is good to get a bowl movement. Also applesauce can go both ways in some people, help you go or help block you. My daughter goes at least once a day. But she eats lots of fruit and veggies.

My daughter typically goes 1-2 times a day. Definitely increase water and fruit intake! Apples, pears, berries, kiwi, avocado, plums, prunes, etc. but avoid bananas because they’re constipating.

His doc told me to do daily miralax 😭

My kid loves dried cherries, raisins, dried blueberries, even cranberries, could be worth a try to see if he likes to help him get fiber

@Senie I learned the hard way about dried cherry.

My son goes at least 1x a day after breakfast usually, he's pretty regular! Apple sauce pouches, pear juice or 100% pear puree pouches can be used in substitute for prunes, I think pears taste better and are tolerated better than prunes. I give my son apples and berries to snack on or with meals. He doesn't have too much dairy, I typically give him 8 oz of milk per day but he will eat cheese and yogurt too with meals. My son eats a lot of starches but I try to make any bread or cereals whole grain! A typical breakfast we'll have cheerios with milk or whole wheat pancakes, or wheat bread toast with meat/ protein

Our daughter suffered from constipation from 6 months to 2 years old. She would go every 3-6 days and it was concerning, although she never expressed any pain. We saw a gastroenterologist who just tried to get us to give her miralax. I did for a bit but wasn’t comfortable doing it long term because of potential health repercussions. At the beginning we use Genexa senna chewable tablets which helped. I also recommend making sure you’re upping water intake and give prunes whole, not as a juice. If it’s more than 3 days without going you need to give a rectal suppository, we likes the pedialax glycerin liquid suppositories and they worked immediately. We recently started rewarding her with homemade “poop chocolate” every time she goes and it both encourages her to poop and keeps her regular. She now goes 1-2x daily.

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