Same here. Mine sometimes takes 2-3 days No worries
Breastfed babies can go up to a week without pooping and it isn't an issue. Formula fed can go multiple days and it isn't a problem. (According to our pediatrician) At that age their digestion is starting to change some so their bodies aren't just taking the milk/formula straight in and out like before, they're actually starting to process it some.
This happened to my 6 week old & the pediatrician told me to give him 2mls of prune juice. I just put little drops in his mouth.
My baby was in the same boat when we started combo feeding. We just gave her straight breastmilk to loosen her up and her pediatrician gave her gas x also.
Combo feeding and my baby goes every 4 days. Peds said that’s normal but if I notice signs of constipation like struggling to poop, bloating or bloody stool to give her 1oz of prune juice. However I started to drink the prune juice and eat more veggies to help her go 💩 Sometimes our diet is the main contributor to their digestion. Try some tummy massage (bicycles, I LOVE U, tummy circles)
If he's not fussy, he may not be constipated. It can be normal to go up to a week without pooping if they are breastfed (even supplementing with a little formula). It could be that he's feeling extra gassy. You should be fine to wait and see what your pediatrician recommends. If not, mine recommended up to 1 ounce of 100% fruit juice for each month of their age per day. So for your 2 month old, that would be up to 2 ounces at the most per day. Fruits starting with a P work really well, but we've used apple juice and it's worked everytime we've needed it.
My baby went thru this his first few weeks and I was recommended by his pediatrician to give him milicon drops or gripe water and they helped him a lot. He still struggles sometimes but not as bad
No worries! My pediatrician said it's normal for babies not to poop everyday and even for up to a week. Went through the exact same thing. He's okay! Just get ready for a big one soon 😅