@MacKenna i would rather do my son’s pregnancy over. The headaches and nose bleeds are getting to me, I can’t stand them and afterwards I feel so bad the rest of the day.
My first I had worse and waaay more symptoms. This time I’m just experiencing morning sickness and food aversions but not as bad.
Not different. But definitely worse.
Yup. My first pregnancy I didn’t have much sickness and worked until I was 20 weeks. Now I’m a SAHM with her and I’m exhausted and nauseous ALL the time. Also found out I’m having twins so that probably doesn’t help 🙃
Different and it doesn’t help to have a toddler. Definitely being tired has hit me hard with this one
My first pregnancy I lost weight in the first trimester because I couldn’t eat anything and was sick all the time. This time it’s nausea here and there but I’m able to manage it better. But I have also been way more tired than last pregnancy, could just be this time I have a toddler 😂 weird how they can be so different!
yes😭 my last pregnancy was so easy in the beginning, with this one i just straight up feel like crap