Yes it’s normal, I was EBF up until 5 months old and his poop changed a lot when going onto formula but it’s not a concern xx
What the ladies said above. The poo will change A LOT! Every nappy is a surprise 🤣
Yes this is normal, the poo will now change now and again 😊x
Did you feed banana? The first time i did i took pictures and had to google the poo afterwards 😂 I thought he had worms!
Yes, totally normal! Same changes happened to us when we started formula and even more when we introduced solid foods
You’re in for a rollercoaster of a ride with the poops you’re about to see in the next few weeks 😂 I’d say that’s perfectly fine, if you see blood then it’s a cause for concern. Beware, bananas digest funny and leaves little black string like things in their poop 😂 xx