Oh I’m so glad someone has posted this, I just came on the app to say the same thing myself!! It’s been such a struggle the last week or so getting him to burp, I can see he’s uncomfortable but I could try for 40 mins and he’s still not burped! He doesn’t throw up though. I mentioned it to the health visitor and she said ‘some babies just don’t burp’ 🥴 I thought surely not!!
I second the infacol, it’s a god send! Don’t use gripe water though x
My little one rarely burps if that helps! I’m breastfeeding too so assume the let down isn’t too fast/she’s not drinking too quickly xx
Thank you so much everyone! I’ll try infacol. The health visitor said re the milk sick that if it happens a lot the GP will prescribe Gaviscon which I’m not sure I like the sound of so fingers crossed this works! X
I started with infacol last night and he slept sooo much better 🙌🏼
My LG was exactly the same I started using infacol before feeds and it was like a god send she now brings her wind up so easily and is so much more settled and is hardly sick x