My little boy is the same, he will poo though. It’s just teaching them they aren’t wearing a nappy. I’m carrying on, it’s been nearly 3 weeks. He’s at nursery today so hoping he will copy the older ones
@Jenni are you just having him wear cotton underwear then? What about when you are out and about? I’m worried my girl won’t tell me she needs a wee when out and about and everything will end up soaking. Obviously can take extra clothes but don’t have spare car seat or pushchair etc.. xxx
I’ve sent him to nursery in loose trousers no pants yet but have provided pants if they need. When we’re out we constantly ask him if he needs one and try for a wee when we arrive and leave. He has accidents. We have a waterproof insert for our car seat and use a puppy pad x
When she wears the underwear. Regardless if she has to go or not. Being her to the potty every 30 minutes for a few days. When we were in the middle of potty training and I had to go out. I put pull ups on her. She peed in the car seat and I and to take it apart to wash. It was such a pain. So I said never again. Now that she’s fully potty trained and tells me. She just has undies from the time she wakes up to bedtime. Pull ups for bedtime still.
We did no underwear or training pants under trousers for a whole month (a boy so might be a bit easier clothes-wise). Also scheduled bathroom breaks (let’s go to the toilet together before we go out in the car etc) and made it fun like to race there or tip him upside down first, give him the option to go first or mummy/daddy first, potty or big toilet. Did a silly dance and song afterwards. I think they go through phases of getting bored of having to go so you constantly have to find something new that works. Good luck ☺️
I would.suggest going cold turkey and trialling out for one more week. Loads of praise , stickers , fun costumes, rewards... but then someone else would also say - maybe she is not ready. For some reason, I do think kids love controlling the situation and just go the opposite way... I think your little girls new found independence could be explored further - the big girl conversations do help. We had to do that and she went with the flow.