I also went through a really bad bout - it took me a week of rest to get back to where I could at least move without wincing in pain with each step. What I did was avoid picking up my toddler or anything else heavier than a few pounds, I don’t use stairs. I alternate between 45 min sitting and 45 min standing. When the pain starts getting bad, I immediately lay down with pillow between legs for 5-10mjn when possible. If I have to sit, I sit on a yoga ball. Also sooo much water - I think if you have any pressure from constipation it flares up.
I am going to see a pelvic floor therapist but the earliest appointment I could get isn’t until the end of this month.
I’ve spoken to midwives and consultant and they have said I can have elective section at 37to 38 weeks due to past emergency sections and coz of my pain
This isn’t encouraging at all but I’m just letting you know you aren’t alone- i am 27 weeks pregnant and have been signed off work since 23 weeks. I have a 21 month old who I can’t currently look after on my own as I can’t really walk so she is in nursery/with family 4 days a week and then my partner helps me the other days, im on crutches and can’t really get around and I have to be rolled out of bed in the morning by my partner. I have pelvic physio (honestly I don’t find it helpful at all for me but some say it works wonders), a hall to sit on, a support band and pain killers for the days it’s unbearable. My best thing has been a hot water bottle that is in like a strap that goes around my waist- it’s supposed to be for period pains but I turn it around so it’s on my back and really low and that is the only thing that gives me any release! I hope you start to feel a bit better soon!
Going through the exact same😩 i can't even get out of bed sometimes. This is my 2nd pregnancy, I have spoken to my consultant and my midwife. They both said there is not much to be done until baby is here, I have tried everything possible.