I don't have any experience but I'd wait until you're home. It's fast enough to waste and microwave to sterilise and you might be stuck at hospital for a bit. I managed to find a kendamill starter pack which had 6 formula bottles and 6 sterilised teats, I'm taking it to the hospital in case I need it. I want to breast feed but it's good to know I have a back up for the first days alongside colostrum harvesting.
@Alice I've got the kendamill pack with the tests for hospital too :) I'm more just thinking I was so tired and couldn't stand for long due to the pain after giving birth the first time so wanting to do as much as I can before hand! Plus I'm now on mat leave and bored 😂😂 maybe I'll wait til I start contracting instead :D Thanks!!
I washed mine last week just to give them a clean & then when baby arrives and we're home I'll wash again and sterilise like normal x
I’m going to pre wash them all and then will sterilise properly when baby is here. Might run them through the steriliser and put one in my hospital bag. Didn’t do anything with bottles with my first until they were here as wasn’t sure on my method of feeding
I’ve washed and sterilised all of mine thoroughly but will be doing it again when baby is here, I just wanted to familiarise myself with all the parts (were using MAM bottles) and make sure I knew how to do it all properly before little one gets here xx
You dont need to wash them at home, take them with you to the hospital as well as ready to feed formula, the hospital postnatal ward will have washing and sterilisation equipment. I didnt know this until i stayed with mt little one this time round. Also ask your hospital what they will provide as my hospital didnt provide a lot
@Aqsa oh interesting! I'm going under the impression they don't have anything 😂😂 Though I never went to a ward with my first just a private room and then discharged but will defo ask now thank you!!
@Jennie i had a c section so in the recovery room they did provide formula but they said in the postnatal ward they wont, with mt first baby they did but again i onlt stayed one night
I wouldn't bother until you're home tbh, you'll be doing plenty of bottle washing when the baby is here 😁