As reema said its 2 different milk protiens Although just make sure to use cooled boiled water with nutramigen I know alot of people make that mistake at first
@Emma-louise my daughter is on Nutramigen. Curious about the cooled boiled water. Is there a reason behind this?
@Ariana yes so hot water kills all the prebiotic in the milk basically the lgg Most people will boil the kettle and fill all bottles with water and leave them on the side to cool to room temp and just add powder when needed
@Emma-louise ahh yes of course! We use a water warmer that holds the water at a consistent temp. Just wanted to double check!
There are two different proteins in cows milk (whey based and casein based). SMA Althera is whey based and Nutramigen is casein based. Before they give a baby an amino acid formula, which contains no cows milk, they trial milk which contains each protein to see if baby reacts to them both or only one x