Not tried yet with my daughter. She’s a late talker and can’t fully communicate what she wants yet. We’re thinking of trying the next couple of weeks as she has been telling me when she’s done a wee but not all the time. I do ask her if she needs one often and hoping this will help when it comes to it
He just tells me no all the time if I ask if he needs a wee then ends up weeing in his pants 🙈
I'm currently training my son. The first few days, I put him on his toilet every 20minutes and he absolutely hated having to get up and go. The first wee he did, he was so proud of and had to tell everyone! Now he will take himself off to the toilet & then come and tell me if it was a big wee or a little wee. We are still trying to master having a poo, his done a couple but it's still new and makes him very anxious.
@Paige how long have you been training him for so far?
Just over a week
My daughters been potty trained over 12 months now, but I did the naked from waist down as it is the easiest way because they have no bladder control as such so can't wait to pull down and pull up unless they already can, but it's just consistency of reminding them to go toilet and telling them 'let's go try' always try to do it 15/20 mins after a drink, tell him to push it out and listen for it, it did take about a week but we tried at 18 months with her as she showed signs but wouldn't do it... Then we started having her naked at just before she turned 2 and she just one day went and sat on the potty and had a week... We all cheered and danced around making it a big thing and she was so happy and proud and never a issue since... Pooing was a while nother ball game... She held it with nappy or no nappy! She's eventually got used to it and it's been 5 months since she stopped holding thank god... But it's patience, calm/positive behaviour and no nappies! You confuse a child by swapping and changing
You've got this! 💪
My girl was fully potty trained day nd night at 2.3 year old. All I did was get a fancy potty and went nothing on her bum for a week which worked.
I potty trained mine with chocolate not proud of that but it worked within 2 days 😂
@clara I'm using chocolate 😂 .. 1 chocolate button for wees and 2 if he ever does a poo on there 😅
Consistency... Takes days and weeks sometimes. Sit on potty every 45 mins and ready a book about using the potty. We used a chocolate minstrel everytime he weed in the potty and in time he got the hang of it.. took a few weeks though. Some people say it takes a couple days which maybe in a week he understood the concept but now 3 months later he will initiate sometimes. They're learning. Don't expect too much just keep going, they will get it, they don't want to be wet
We tried months ago and our little boy was exactly like this so I left it a few months and started again in October. After a couple of days it just clicked and although there were the odd accidents in the beginning, he really took to it. He still has an accident every now and then but mostly if he's distracted. We did three days of naked waist down both times. Hes not officially trained at night yet but is more often than not dry on a morning. I genuinely think if they're ready it shouldn't be so much of a chore but if it's continuous accidents with very little success, maybe give it a bit longer x
I have an extremely head strong son who does the same thing He is adamant he doesn’t need to go He was grasping it for a bit but has gone backwards We have had issues with him having really sensitive skin and if he poops even if his nappy is left on for a few mins his privates get so sore so he has stopped telling us he’s pooped to avoid nappy changes Which I think has hindered his toilet training I think nursery thought we were being lazy with the training but have now seen what he gets like too and I just don’t know how to change this situation! Our little boy was 3 in the middle of Dec x
My little girl is potty trained I tried in February and she was having none of it at all! Then just tried by while we’re out having a nappy on then at home no nappy and then in may one day she woke up and decided she didn’t want a nappy anymore and pretty much potty trained herself having books which explained the process of it all helped massively but I think it’s just a matter of waiting till there ready my little one still wears a nappy during the night because she’s a milk monster but I was very lucky in the way it happened but just remember your doing nothing wrong at all! No matter what they will get there!
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We rewarded with dinosaur stickers and buttons chocolates. Pee =1 and poo = 2 buttons and stickers. Nursery says they have to be ready, willing and able. If 1 is missing it won't fly. Took us 4 weeks, for training, lasted 3 months and then she regressed and does it only as and when she sees fit for the last 6+ months.
Yes, my LG was potty trained by 2 years of age. I put the potty in the toilet and take her with me when I’d go and she would first sit on the potty then eventually she would wee and poo in the potty but she didn’t like the potty so I got her a baby seat for the toilet and now she goes on there